So this is the last day of the challenge at Write. Click. Scrapbook.! Now, all my pictures are taken, and I can share them with you. They aren't the world's most epic photographs, but I still had fun with them. Let's start with day one.
The theme for that day was summer food. In my family, North Carolina-style barbecue is a big summer food. In fact, I've eaten it three times in the past week - yum.
The second day's challenge was summer action. I chose to take a picture of my sister jumping!
Day three's theme was summer place. I went to the park that day with some friends, and I thought that a playground would be the perfect summer place for my photo. After all, parks don't get much use in winter, do they?
Day four had a theme of summer love, i.e. things you love about summer. One thing I love about summer is fun dresses.
Finally, today's topic is summer reading. Right now, I'm reading Shakespeare's Othello. Oh joy. But I have done some more fun summer reading this year as well.

I sure enjoyed this challenge, and it was a fun way to capture little tidbits of summer before they're all gone. Do you have any comments, thoughts, or suggestions for me? Feel free to leave them in the comment section below.
I love the "summer reading" photo!! :D
Thanks, friend!
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