Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Inspiration: Words, Part 1

Today I thought I'd share a quote about Christians and the arts. As a Christian who does art, and is planning to study art seriously in the future, truth-saturated writing about what it means to be a "Christian artist" is so helpful to me. This quote is one that is particularly encouraging and inspires me to think rightly about art. It's from an article by Andy Farmer called "Values for Christian Artists" that is such a wonderful, concise resource. I'd recommend reading it (you can access it here), but for now, here's my favorite quote.

That's what art is. It's pouring perfume on Jesus' feet. Worshiping Him. Adoring Him.

But it's easy to think of art as so many things. And it is other things. But nothing that art is could possibly be more essential or central than this. First and foremost, art is for worshiping and honoring our Savior - just like all the rest of life!

This is important for me to remember. Of course I know it in my head, but I forget it so often in practice. When I'm doing something creative, I usually am thinking about how it looks or how much I like it or how much other people will like it. When I think about the part art might play in my future, I can focus more on getting a job or reaching out to other people or being in a certain environment. But while those things are relevant and have some degree of importance sometimes, I can make them primary when really, what matters is whether I'm being creative for the glory of God, and wanting to please Him with the art that I'm doing.

I like the image of pouring perfume on Jesus feet, like the woman whose story is told in the New Testament. She was so amazed and in awe of Jesus that she bought expensive ointment and poured it on His feet. Is that kind of amazement and worship characteristic of me? Often it's not. That's why I need to write about this - to talk to myself and remind myself of what's true! But this quote inspires me to become more like what this quote describes. To seek to worship with my art and not just "do" it. To use it as one more avenue to bring praise to my glorious Savior because He is so worthy of my whole life. He gave His very life on the cross for me, so I could be counted righteous and adopted into God's family. So shouldn't all I do be worship to Him?


sarah b said...

It's so important to remember that everything we do must glorify God! Thanks for including that in your series. :)

Aimee said...

What a beautiful quote! Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

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