Sunday, July 17, 2011

Both Types of Type

This just so happens to be my 400th post! I'm not doing a giveaway since I already have two going on, but I thought I'd mention it just for fun!

Now for today's post...

I don't usually think of combining a serif font with a sans serif font in a design. Using both types of type in one design is, I think, really hard to pull off without things looking busy and clashing. But, after I saw the identity for Fleischmarkt 1, I've decided that it can be done. I love the uniqueness of this combination... see?

The combination of serif with sans serif is unusual and a bit unnatural... but in this case, those features actually work positively to catch your attention! I think the combination of a modern font (Helvetica if I'm not mistaken) with a more elegant styled font is fascinating.

From what I can tell, the basic logo for the company is this image of a building with "Fleischmarkt 1" beside it.

I like the graphics, but I'm not sure I like the capitals since most of the other Helvetica is in regular sentence capitalization. I also don't feel like the logo is very strong as a stand-alone piece. How versatile could this logo be with such a detailed hotel illustration? But then again, for the purposes of this logo, it might not be necessarily to have a super defined logo.

What do you think of the idea of serif and sans serif together? Or of this identity design? :)

If you want more information or want to see more pictures, please check out the post on Identity Designed.


sarah b said...

I like it! It's looks kind of unusual but I think it's a cool effect. :)

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