Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I was a Lego fanatic when I was little.  And in all honesty, I still like building with Legos (shhh...it's true, though).  Really, these toys are so neat!  I especially like the more classic, town-like items like these.

But the cool thing about Legos is that you don't have to have a fancy set to have fun.  You can just grab a pile of bricks and build away.  Legos, like Playmobil, are wonderful for creative play.

The logo of Lego (I like the way that sounds... Lego logo) is really neat!  I like it in particular because of its color.  Red!

One thing I like about this logo is the way typography is the focus.  I love typography so much, so it's really fun to see a logo that makes typography such a main element.  The font is good - it's casual and comfortable, but a little, well... techno-geeky, if you know what I mean.  That fits Legos exactly.  They're fun and happy, but people who are/were really into Legos, like myself, can get kind of nerdy about them.  And I think this typography covers that side of Lego as well.

Honestly, I feel that this font is slightly outdated.  It does a good job of representing the feeling of Lego, but it is obvious from looking at the Logo that it's fairly old.  I think that might be a signal that this logo isn't one of those "forever" logos.  That's not necessarily bad - companies redesign their logos all the time.  I'm wondering if, somewhere along the line in the future, Lego will choose to do that.

However, there are more things that I like a lot about the logo.  I mentioned the color, but I want to talk more about the color combination.  The yellow and red are extremely bright, which to some degree reflects the age of the logo, I think.  Probably, if it were any old logo being designed today, I think that the tones would have been a little more muted.  But I kind of like the brightness.  It's different and bold.  I think the colors are excellent, too, because they match the colors of the Lego bricks.  This is important, and it makes the logo compliment the products very well.

Also, the borders around the text really make the "Lego" word pop out.  That was a good technique for making the contrast of the logo quite excellent.

What's your opinion on the Lego logo?  I'd love to know!

Oh, and by the way, this is my 200th post!


Stephen said...

I love Legos too! I am a huge Lego fanatic, and have a million Legos littering the floor of my room! :)

Lucebow said...

I am a lego nerd to the MAX! I don't know how I feel about the logo, I'm rather indifferent. It seems pretty straight-forward to me and gets the job done.

Congrats on 200!! :)

sarah b said...

I actually don't care for the design of the Lego logo (:P). One thing I was thinking about the type (this is my weak graphic design self coming out) is that it's all puffy and rounded, while the actual Lego blocks are very straight and clear cut, if you know what I mean. :D Not sure if that matters that much. :P

chichi said...

i <3 <3 <3 legos :P aahhhh i was such a little lego person when i was little :)

and i love that logo too! very cool! one thing is the "G" looks really weird, not sure why yet :P

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