Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Talking to Myself

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[Written on 3-6-11]
Jesus + Nothing = Everything
-Tullian Tchvidjian

Thinking about this statement today. And how Jesus is everything. So often I make other things too important and I'm sad and a little despairing when those things change or go. But it doesn't need to be that way. If all the other things I try to trust in fall away, that's okay. I have Jesus.

If I lose my health, I have everything.
If I find myself feeling alone, I have everything.
If my life doesn't turn out the way I want it to, I have everything.

None of those things have happened to me, at least not in major ways, but I have lost things. And I'm sure I will lose more things. But I know that I will not and cannot lose Jesus because He's holding on tight to me. He is enough even if everything else falls apart.

So it makes me want to trust Him more and trust other things Him more and love other things less. While all the other things in my life are a blessing and I am grateful for them, they are not my hope. Sometimes I try to hope in them, but my true hope lies in Jesus. Anything else really is nothing in comparison.

Jesus is everything. He is my everything. The only reason I am alive and have an eternal future is because of His grace. So I want to live like it. Lord, help me to live like it.


sarah b said...

oh my goodness, carrie. what a wonderful reminder! i will be coming back to this post in the future!

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