Monday, November 29, 2010

Blog Roundup: Part One

There are lots of blogs that I really enjoy reading, and I thought I'd share them with you in a quick mini-series!  Today and tomorrow I'll talk about three blogs per day and give you a glimpse into what they are like and why I love them.  It's a blog roundup!  Let's get going.

First up: Hannah Joy.  This girl is one of my good friends, and her blog is so neat-o!  It's really colorful, to start with.  See?

And Hannah likes to post about some of the same things I do.  She posts about creative things she's found, cool craft ideas, etc.  She also posts a lot of quotes and verses that have been encouraging to her, which I love!  It's so cool to read what other people are being encouraged by.   Then she writes about her daily life, which is really fun, too.  Hannah's posts are always so fun, and so her.  Definitely go check out her blog.  I like it a lot.

Blog number two... Bloesem: Living.  This blog is really fun.  It talks about interior decorating, jewelry, books, design, other miscellaneous tidbits - I enjoy it a lot!  I love the variety of things that are found on this site.  And it has a really fun, simple design to it.  (Don't be freaked out by the lady's head at the bottom of the screenshot.  If you scroll down in the blog post, she actually is a person and not just a head.)

Bloesem, from what I have read so far in the past month or so, is mostly about finds.  Like my Friday Finds series, but more detailed and much cooler. :)  I think that's why I like it - "finds" is a simple idea, but there's a lot of places to go with it, like what Bloesem has done.  I think you'll like their stuff if you check it out. 

P.S. They also have a blog for moms and kids called Bloesem: Kids.  You might like that as well.

Our third and final blog for today is the Studio Calico Blog.  I adore Studio Calico scrapbooking supplies, and their blog is equally as great as their merchandise!  There are lots of scrapbook pages to be seen, and fun tutorials and sketches.  If you're a scrapbooker, you'll love it.  And if not, well you still might like looking at the creativity that is expressed in this blog.  I sure do.  Here's a picture so that you know what it looks like:

One thing I really like about the design of the Studio Calico Blog is how they incorporate design elements into the post, like headers and signatures.  I think that makes it much more visually interesting, and fun too.  I also really like the blog header.  It's so funky.

I'll be back tomorrow for more blog recommendations!  But in the meantime, did you notice the new widget on the sidebar of my blog?  I added a "grab my button" widget that allows you to add the blog button to your own blog if you would like to.


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